Tag Archives: Castello Sforzesco

Museums: Which Ones Can You Skip?

I look forward to nothing more than revisiting my favorite museums in Italy and finding new ones to explore but I am the first one to engage in inappropriate behavior if I have to share my space with too many people; I mutter under my breath, I give dirty looks to anyone lingering too long by the signs I’m trying to read, and I passively-aggressively stand in front of anyone who has broken my unwritten rules of behavior.  So I feel your pain if you’re dragged to the museum or just go because it’s there  when you’d rather be hunting down some gelato.  Maybe I can help.

If you call in sick while your travel companions are at the following museums, you will not have missed much, and the following recommendations are based on my very humble, very unprofessional opinion, with no offense intended toward these fine institutions:

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