Tag Archives: Venice

Venice Enchanted

Every time I leave Venice I experience an odd sort of melancholy with a feeling of dread that I may never come back.  I once sat for an afternoon in the living room of an elderly aunt whom I had never met before that day; when it came to leave it was with a lump in my throat that I told her goodbye for I knew I had been with a kindred spirit, albeit for a very short while.  Almost anyone who has walked across the bridges of Venice has a similar emotional connection, for Venice is magical. Continue reading Venice Enchanted

Christmas in Italy

Christmas in Italy is a wonderful time to visit for many reasons, but don’t expect that you will have the whole place to yourself.                   Au contraire! You’re not the only one who would rather  travel than go through the trouble of decking your own halls but the experience far outweighs any little inconveniences you may encounter, be they crowded airports, crowded piazzas and museums, or the cold weather.

Christmas Decorations

I know you’ve heard it before, but Italians just have a flair for style which is usually understated and never overbearing.  In big cities and small towns lights are strung across the streets, evergreen garlands are draped over doorways, and the churches are adorned with poinsettias.

St Mark's Basilica, Venice
St Mark’s Basilica, Venice

Continue reading Christmas in Italy